

There she sat painting a pot
Crossing her legs and her buttocks on the ground
Near a stream;on it,a whirlwind round and round
She says;one day i will be a beautiful butterfly

She cry partially as she is shy
With her hair covering one her eye
Where is my love and my part?
I can see his ribs but not his heart

I can touch his mouth but not his lips
Maybe i have not a thing they feel
Or am dead in the palm and wrist?
Nothing i can hold or feel

She kept lamenting and on
Out the whirlwind a bubble
So pale like a queens gown
Suspending in the air like his abode

I could just suspend,because i am perky
Nothing is impossible with a smile
Give sorrow quito gladly
Because these air have been fair with pride

It is a matter of time
Keep painting and smile
You will be beautiful as a butterfly
And will find an adornis at the right time